Rose tea works like magic for our body, reduces weight; Read more

With all the various kinds of herbal teas available in the market, rose tea is the latest fad for weight watchers to stay healthy.

Keep diseases away

Drinking rose tea keeps the body healthy. It contains plenty of vitamin C which helps in fighting infections and keeps our body away from diseases.

Reduces risk of weight gain

Toxins are removed by the consumption of rose tea. Once toxins are removed, there is less chances of weight gain. Along with this, rose tea also serves to detox the body.

Improves digestion

Digestive power is also increased by consuming rose tea. It is important to have strong digestive power to stay healthy and proper functioning of the body.


First of all, rose petals should be washed thoroughly in water. Then, put three cups of water and rose petals in a saucepan. Now boil it for 5 minutes. After boiling for 5 minutes, add sugar to it and sieve in a cup. You can also use ginger or cinnamon in it.